Boğaziçi University


Learning Sciences

Doctorate Program


Name Title Department
Albert Ali Salah Assoc. Prof. Computer Engineering
Ayşegül Metindoğan Assist. Prof. Primary Education
Devrim Güven Assist. Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Diler Öner Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Duygu Umutlu Assist. Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Ebru Kaya Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Ebru Z. Muğaloğlu Aktürk Assoc. Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Emine Erktin Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Engin Ader Assoc. Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Ersoy Erdemir Assoc. Prof. Primary Education
Gaye Defne Ceyhan Assist. Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Günizi Kartal Assoc. Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Hamdi Erkunt Assist. Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Mine Göl-Güven Assoc. Prof. Primary Education
Mutlu Şen-Akbulut Assist. Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Nalan Babür Assist. Prof. Primary Education
Oğuz Ak Assist. Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Serkan Arıkan Assoc. Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Serkan Özel Assoc. Prof. Mathematics and Science Education
Yavuz Akpınar Prof. Computer Education and Educational Technology
Zeynep B. Erdiller Yatmaz Assoc. Prof. Primary Education